Dear Guest,
in order to protect people's health within accommodation facilities, and guarantee the safety of the environment, we inform you that we have taken some precautionary measures, as required by current regulations.
In implementation of these measures, we inform you that entry is not allowed:
if you tested positive for Covid-19 or are in the period of an enforced quarantine;
if you have been in contact with a case of Covid-19 in the last 14 days, or if you are coming from WHO designated risk areas;
if you have a temperature (above 37.5°C) or other flu symptoms. If these symptoms start after entering the facility, you must promptly inform the company manager, taking care to stay at anappropriate distance from other people, and notify your doctor and the health authority.
By entering the facility, you undertake to comply with all the provisions of the Authorities and the rules of the company, and in particular to keep social distancing, wear a face mask when necessary and observe correct hygiene behaviour.
We sanitized the entire facility, including air conditioners and air recirculation, before reopening. For better sanitization we also used ozone machines.
We have made available sanitizing gels for the hands, with a concentration of alcohol at 60-85%.
We use only washed and sanitized linen according to the procedures outlined in the Ministry of Health circular No.5443 of 22/02/2020.
We arranged to provide breakfast service in the room where you are staying, with individually packaged products.
We have trained our staff, who use gloves and masks and who help you maintain interpersonal distance and comply with all the rules.
For daily cleaning and sanitation we use: sodium hypochlorate solutions diluted at 0.1% (1), ethyl alcohol at 70% (2), isopropyl alcohol (3), ozone (4).
Common parts: (1), (2), periodically (4).
Equipment: (3)
Rooms: at a stop (1) and (2). With each change customer also (4).
The Management